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Providing expert tree services since 1960.

Taking care of your trees should be your top priority for this spring. Calling a tree service could make you feel safe and secure that your trees will stay healthy and strong for a longer time. However, many property owners feel that these tree services are less affordable than they used to be.

Living in an urban environment, the landscape of the tree service business has become even more complex and regulated. It would be useful to examine why tree work has become an expensive service to enjoy and how to justify that expense to your tenants when living in a condominium or shared rental apartment block.


Insurance Costs


Local and State authorities require tree pruning services to have the right liability insurance for all property damage they could create due to their tree care procedures. That could be costly for every tree services business owner since accidents with unstable branches and trees falling onto houses and cars could be extremely expensive to compensate.


The higher costs appear when a human injury or fatality happens due to the tree service. A competent insurance plan should cover these injuries both from the side of the tree workers or arborists and people walking underneath the trees. These monthly insurance costs get integrated into the tree services’ final price, making it higher when teams operate in urban environments.


Expensive Equipment


It is hard and expensive to operate specialized equipment and machinery to cut tree branches. Trucks with hoisting equipment are necessary for all arborists to reach distant branches about to fall apart and need trimming. Dealing with their monthly maintenance and moving costs could be unbearable for most tree service business owners. That is why coalitions of business owners who share the same vehicles, trucks, and hoisting mechanisms are present to keep the costs for the customer to a reasonable level.


Special Tree Conditions


Many urban trees are contaminated with diseases threatening their life. Depending on your tree condition, the costs could vary. If your tree is alive and blooming, it would be easier for a worker to climb on it and cut the branches or trim the top. However, if your tree is dead for a long time, it would be quite unstable for any worker or arborist to climb and perform any type of service.


Dead trees would incur more risks for people underneath, and their trimming could become an immediate necessity. However, tree services will need to use a bucket or some longer pole saws to reach the branches that need to be cut or trimmed. That increases the costs by more than 50% compared to the simple tree trimming done with climbing on it or using a ladder.


Licensing Costs


Every tree service has to issue and renew a state license for being a legal and eligible employer for arborists and garden workers. The tree service business has been highly regulated through the past few years due to many fatal accidents everywhere in urban America. Applying for a new license can be quite time-consuming and costly for the average entrepreneur.


That is why renewing your license would require further education for your associates and a more detailed and recorded maintenance for your gardening tools and vehicles. Even though licensing could be possible for all the traditional tree service businesses, the need to employ highly experienced workers with more demands for benefits and health insurance can double the costs for the final customer and recipient of these services.


Experts Hiring


Today it’s hard to find expert arborists and workers to operate delicate machinery for tree cutting and trimming. Even when you finally hire these experts, you need to increase their pay scale and have their substitutes ready if you want to operate 24/7 all year round. These experts also need to be multitasking and have the chance to climb on trees to estimate the situation.


Hiring experts for your tree trimming services can further increase the costs- sometimes to unprecedented levels. However, these experts know which branches are ready to fall and should be immediately cut to prevent further damage. When finally trimming the tree from its top, experts know how to perform that task to cause less damage to the underneath surface. Not to mention that it’s safer to operate with a less crowded team of experts, who are trained to work together and can deal with any unpredicted situation that can occur when cutting trees, especially in an urban environment.


Trees Location Accessibility


Calling for tree services when living in New York City is a challenging business. People who maintain backyards with trees in New York residential properties usually have to deal with trees that lie on top of buildings, pavements, and streets. That’s why tree location and accessibility can become a major factor in rising tree service prices for homeowners.


For example, trimming a tree over a busy Bronx street could be quite dangerous since pedestrians being underneath would require their safe passage while the service is provided. The municipal authorities may also ask for specific permits to perform such tasks at a particular time of the day. The requirement to block the street from oncoming traffic and even call the local police authorities to safeguard the scene would incur even more costs for the tree service company. It would be useful to know that tree location and accessibility can become an unpredictable factor that multiplies the regular fee for a tree trimming session.


Tree services have many reasons to offer affordable services compared to the harshness and risk of their interventions. They tend to take accreditation from national safety and efficiency authorities while safeguarding the workers’ and people’s integrity when performing trimming services. A higher price for the same tree service could probably mean a better-prepared employer that meets all state standards for the tree cutting business. It would be wiser to deal with licensed personnel that secures the spot and insures its services against any potential threat for damages and losses. Find more information on our website at


Affordable Tree Service Bronx
1510 Hutchinson River Pkwy E
Bronx New York 10461